Wealth Management
Online Support Services
Having difficulty registering or logging on to the website?
If you are having difficulty registering or logging on to the site, please call 1-800-982-4620, M-F 8 AM - 5 PM ET.
Hours of Service Availability
System response and account access times for On-Line Brokerage may vary due to market conditions and/or systems performance, and may affect trade execution. Investors should also be aware of the risks of and benefits of placing market orders as opposed to limit orders, as well as the risks of trading in IPOs (initial public offerings) and "hot" stocks trading under fast market conditions.
Changes/Interruptions in Services
We may on a regular basis perform maintenance on our equipment or system that may result in interrupted service or errors in the service. We also may need to change the scope of our services from time to time. We will attempt to provide prior notice of such interruptions and changes but cannot guarantee that such notice will be provided.
The following is a schedule for routine maintenance performed on our online service applications.
- On-Line Portfolio
On-Line Portfolio information is updated nightly Monday through Friday from 11 PM -2 AM ET. Additional system maintenance may occur on Saturday mornings from 2 AM -7 AM ET. All information may not be available on Saturday morning.