About Us


Wealth Management

Solicitation Agent and Document Collection


We use our online FastTrack portal to securely and efficiently solicit signatures to all transaction related documents requiring securityholder signature, including joinders, consents and 280Gs. We provide customized reports reflecting signature status and conduct all securityholder follow-ups to track down signatures prior to closing.

Work with a Team that Does the Work for You

Simplify the process

Use our online FastTrack portal to collect all securityholder related documents, from consents to letters of transmittal, from the securityholders through one provider and point of contact.

Reduce risk of error

Our proprietary system can pre-populate and code the documents to reduce user error and expedite the review and processing time on the back-end.

Receive status updates

Stay in the loop on the solicitation process with customized status reports reflecting signature status and any responses or votes required from the securityholders.

As Solicitation Agent We Can Collect the Following Pre-Closing Documents

Information Statements

Securityholder Consents

280G Elections



Rollover Elections

Accredited Investor Questionnaires

Tender Documents and Election Form

Why Hire a Professional Shareholder Representative?


The concept of a professional shareholder representative has been used on thousands of mergers and acquisitions transactions over the past 10 years, however there are still some target companies that choose to elect a management member or institutional investor to fill that role.

Mergers & Acquisitions Insights

Managing the process both in front of and behind the scenes requires a trusted approach and partner.

Read M&A Insights >

Escrow Insights

Our experience comes from being there to understand our clients’ unique needs at the beginning of the process and beyond.

Read Escrow Insights >

Corporate Trust & Agency

A wide range timely content spanning across the capital markets.

Corporate Trust Insights >

Your transaction deserves a dedicated and experienced administrative team.


Our M&A professionals understand what it takes to make a transaction successful. We get to know each client’s individual needs, help them troubleshoot any potential issues, and bring our niche experience to the table to provide a smooth closing and post-closing period.

Fiona Boger headshot

Fiona Boger

Managing Director, Mergers & Acquisitions

Click to email Fiona Click to call Fiona

Shareholder Representative engagements are offered through a Wilmington Trust, N.A. subsidiary, WT Representative, LLC.

How can we help?

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